I am being forcefully pushed into this topic today. It seems that the universe itself is blowing the word coexist against my back. Yes, this is the bumper sticker you see on cars. For many years I admired it. I would look at it and think that the owner of the car must be very forgiving and loving. For just as many years my conservative friends have made fun of the same sticker. Instead of seeing awareness and promise they see naivety and impossibility.
At first I was shocked by their stance but when looking at the people it was coming from I could understand it. Soldiers don't have the luxury of thinking that there will one day be peace. Something in them has to be wired to handle conflict and accept it as normal life. I can see that view clearly. Others that are religious believe that peace will never come and that biblically it can't because the end of this world comes in the midst of war. Others are very intelligent and they simply believe that humans are incapable of ever living in peace.
I'm going to go ahead and agree with all of the naysayers here - no matter their reason. I do believe that we will never EVER coexist on this planet in harmony. Even if only one religion, one race, or one country was all that was left on earth there would still be conflict.
In my previous posts you know that I feel strongly that without a reason to fight we would die. We are human. In order to grow or evolve we must progress and what comes in the wake of progression? Casualties.
So Coexist - no I don't believe it but I still feel hope and love when I see one on the back of a car. Because despite our restless need to engage there are those of us out there that are striving to change. Perhaps that is the battle in itself. A fight with ourselves might just be what we all need. Whatever may drive you it is time to find within yourself a bit of compassion.
The next time you see the bumper sticker instead of judging them take inventory and change one thing in your day. Don't yell at the car in front of you, do not raise your voice at your child unnecessarily, refuse to be bated by an annoying salesperson, thank your waiter, smile at a stranger, or simply be thankful.
Coexist with yourself and pass it on to others.
I'll shut up now, thanks...