Monday, March 22, 2010

Health Care Reform

So I sat all day stewing about the most recent turn of events in Washington DC and the way that people are acting/reacting to the news. And after reading post after post on both sides of the fence I have finally come to my own conclusion....we are spoiled!!

Yes - you read correctly and there is no need to adjust your screen because it is the truth. America - WE ARE SPOILED!

What a luxury for us to sit around and discuss health care reform all day. Meanwhile other countries less fortunate are simply wondering if they will even HAVE a doctor in their town when they get the flu, sinus infection, allergic reaction, etc. And instead of begging for the Government to provide them with health care or telling the Government to mind their own business they are simply asking for antibiotics.

It doesn't get more simple than that. We argue about the quality, cost, availability and Government influence while they sit on their front stoop hoping they don't die.

We have spent a lot of time looking at Canada and Europe, enviously wanting what we do not have. When instead we should be looking to Africa and India, counting our blessings for what we do.

I'll shut up now thanks...